Tuesday, 6 November 2007

That was Niche

The Collins article also jumps on the Niche bandwagon (rather boringly rebranded as Bassline). Here, in case you missed it, is The Phantom's piece on the genre, originally posted at Different Day in July. Apologies if any of the links are now broken.

This is Niche

Disclaimer: I know nothing about Niche other than what I can surmise from watching a few videos and reading the comments on You Tube.

Niche (aka bassline) is a new genre of music sweeping the North of England and the Midlands.
Niche is a combination of UK Garage, Grime, 'Ardkore, and R&B.
Niche is named after a nightclub - Niche in Sheffield - continuing a fine tradition that includes House music (named after the Warehouse in Chicago) and Garage (named after New York's Paradise Garage).
Niche is not just in Niche - see also: Maximes in Wigan; Sheridans in Dewsbury; Malia, Greece.
Niche follows the classic North/South divide in UK clubland (think jungle vs. happy hardcore): a little less cool, a little more proletarian, certainly more utilitarian, a lot more fun.
Niche sometimes reminds me of Steve Walsh (Hello MC Bonez)!
Niche will be massive (like Manchester City). The Broomstick Song by Suspex will lead the way.
Niche will annoy the fuck out of a lot of people.
Niche is sik! (so I'm told).
Niche is dead (if an old man like me is writing about it).
Niche will never die!

Niche does not exist (says Billy CCS).

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